Justin shares actionable strategies and mindset shifts from his book, offering a way to approach disagreements that prioritize respect, collaboration, and mutual understanding.
Ep265: Unemployed? Burned Out? Or Both? How to Manage a Career Break | with Laura Nguyen
Laura and I delve into why even a lack of work can lead to burnout—how the uncertainty, panic, and self-doubt that follow job loss can weigh just as heavily as being overworked.
Ep262: How to Work with Challenging Colleagues Without Losing Your Mind (or your job) | with Amy Gallo
Amy explains why collaboration is essential and highlights the importance of developing the skill to get along with others to achieve our best work.
Ep256: Overcoming the Grief of “Invisible Losses” (Including Losing Your Job), and Getting Out of “Survival Mode” | with Christina Rasmussen
Christina and I delve into the concept of the ‘Thriver Self,’ the part of us that’s unhindered by fear, eager to try new things, looking for opportunities, and ready to take action.
Ep255: Managing the Burnout, Anxiety, & Depression Created By Your “Busy Brain” | with Dr. Romie Mushtaq
Dr. Romie and I talk about what she calls ‘busy brain,’ a condition stemming from unchecked stress and burnout, and how these can lead to burnout without us even realizing it.
Ep254: The Ugly Truth About Burnout (Even When You’re Unemployed), and How to Build Immunity From It | with Dr. Kandi Wiens
Dr. Wiens takes us deep into the psychology of burnout to gain an understanding of its root causes.
Ep253: | Breaking Through Your Upper Limits and Living In Your Zone of Genius | with Gay Hendricks
In our conversation, Gay and I talk about what he calls the Upper Limit Problem – a concept in which we ourselves tend to sabotage our own successes, preventing us from reaching our own full potential.
Ep247: When the Passion Tax Leads to a Stroke & How to Rebuild Your Life | with Troy DeVolld
No doubt that my conversation with Troy will inspire you to rekindle your passion for your craft while equipping you with the right tools and mindsets so you can stay happy, sane and well.
Ep239: Reduce Pain, Increase Productivity, and Enhance Your Creativity with the QOR360 Chair | with Turner Osler, MD
Turner Osler reveals that standing is as detrimental to your health as sitting still, and we delve into the human body’s natural physiology of sitting, standing, and movement.
Ep237: A New Approach to Relieving Stress & Anxiety (and Improving “Emotional” Health) | with Nick Wignall
In our conversation, Nick and I dissect what anxiety really is and peel each of its layers to help you identify how to deal with it.
Ep236: Building An Oscar-Winning Career…Without Sacrificing Your Values | with Paul Rogers
We can do our jobs and we can live our lives and the more fully we are able to live our lives and the more humanely we treat ourselves and the people around us the better we can do our jobs.
Ep227: A Psychologist’s Guide to Building Relationships and Managing Conflict (Both Personally and Professionally) | With Dr. Jessica Higgins
Dr. Jessica Higgins and I discuss what really goes on behind the scenes when it comes to the start of any personal or professional relationship, and how that attraction can so easily shift to conflict.
Ep226: The Benefits of Mindfulness & Therapy (and How to Know Which One You Need) | with Seth Gillihan
Whether or not you’re interested in therapy, Seth Gillihan’s insights on the topic of CBT and mindfulness are nothing short of profound and in my opinion, too valuable to miss.
Ep225: Outsmarting Your Chronic Pain with Mindfulness | with Christiane Wolf
Christiane wonderfully blends Eastern techniques with Western medicine and provides mindfulness practices that are simple, effective, and a true gift to anyone who is struggling with pain.
Ep224: Managing & Alleviating Chronic Pain with…Creativity? | with Anna Holtzman
Anna shares many unlikely, yet powerful tools to work with chronic pain that don’t involve more prescriptions, more doctor visits, and more ‘coping’.