Spire, The ‘Fitbit For Your Mind’

Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post from team member Adam Bedford, our brand new Fitness In Post “Tech Reviewer.”

I’m a working editor as well as the host of the Going Postal podcast. I’m based in Los Angeles, and I often work long and crazy hours, but like most people working in post I just wasn’t finding (or making) the time to look after my health (both mental and physical). 2 years ago my friend Zack Arnold started Fitness in Post and helped me change my approach to health & wellness. I was even inspired to run my first 10k!

Technology and its uses for improving wellness are a passion of mine, but when I discovered Spire, a device that markets itself as a “Fitbit for your mind,” my initial reaction was skepticism (with a side of curiosity).

Starting a new project is when my stress levels are often at their highest, so for the purposes of this review, I wore the Spire device every day for a month as I started an edit on a new scripted tv series.

When I’m on a roll cutting a show or film, It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and disappear down a proverbial rabbit hole. Having a device like the ‘Spire’ could help me determine what my triggers are for stress which would then help me to create better behavior patterns.


466726-spireSpire is a small stone shaped device with an attached belt clip. The sensor inside measures the wearer’s breathing patterns and determines whether or not they are calm, focused or tense.

Spire is based on a science known as psychophysiology—the study of how the brain and body interacts with each other.

Spire claims “Your state of mind causes a cascade of physiological and hormonal changes throughout your body. In short doses, these are normal and beneficial. However, when experienced constantly over time, stress can become chronic and result in lasting damage, impoverished cognitive execution, irritability, and a host of other issues both cognitive/emotional and physical. Respiration is one physiological function that is affected by a change in your state in mind. By consciously  adjusting your rate of breathing, you can actually influence your nervous system.”

The Spire is a simple & elegant looking device, approximating the size, shape and color of a small stone.  The only metal (at least on the outside) is the attachment clip. It charges wirelessly through an included induction base which connects to power (or your computer) via mini-USB which looks great sitting on a desk or bedside table.


Other features include 5-7 day battery life, an onboard activity tracker and a companion app (available for both iPhone and Android) which controls the device, sends push notifications about your current state and provides breathing & mini-meditation exercises.

  • Design: Spire have taken a page out of Apple’s book here by going with a simplistic & minimalistic concept. The texture of the parametric polymer shell gives a nice non-slip feel in your hand. If not for the attached metal belt clip, you’d think you were holding a small pebble.
  • Spire is so small and lightweight that I barely felt the device as I was wearing it. The manufacturer even claims that Spire can survive a trip through the washing machine. (A theory I wasn’t willing to test.)
  • 7 day battery life
  • Wireless Charging


  • Spire only stores 6 hours of data without a connection to your phone. Considering that all it’s effectively measuring is Metadata, and that other trackers (Fitbit etc) can store up to 7 days of data, this feature could be greatly improved.
  • Sync time with the companion app is VERY SLOW if you don’t have a constant Bluetooth connection. One manual sync took me over 15 minutes.
  • The onboard Activity Tracker is basic, clunky and in my opinion unnecessary considering the abundance of trackers already on the market.


Overall I found that Spire is a great training device for building new habits. The most important thing I learned was to STOP. AND. RELAX. It’s a lot harder to ignore your breathing patterns and stress levels when you have a device telling you to slow down and take a break. By gaining the awareness of my current state of mind and taking a 5-10 min walk during a tense period, I was able to increase my calm and focus numbers considerably thanks to Spire.

Zack Arnold (ACE) is an award-winning Hollywood film editor & producer (Cobra Kai, Empire, Burn Notice, Unsolved, Glee), a documentary director, father of 2, an American Ninja Warrior, and the creator of Optimize Yourself. He believes we all deserve to love what we do for a living...but not at the expense of our health, our relationships, or our sanity. He provides the education, motivation, and inspiration to help ambitious creative professionals DO better and BE better. “Doing” better means learning how to more effectively manage your time and creative energy so you can produce higher quality work in less time. “Being” better means doing all of the above while still prioritizing the most important people and passions in your life…all without burning out in the process. Click to download Zack’s “Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Creativity (And Avoiding Burnout).”