Ep46: Finding Strength On the Road to Disability | with Chris Anselmo

The subject matter of disabilities, especially muscular dystrophy, is a subject matter near and dear to my heart. I’m very excited to share my interview with Chris Anselmo, a writer living with an adult-onset form of muscular dystrophy because his story and his outlook will inspire you to face the adversity in your life with a more positive outlook.

Ep40: Breaking “Bad” From Assistant to Editor | with Kelley Dixon, ACE (pt 2)

In part 2 of our conversation today we dive as deep as I’ve ever gone into all of the steps necessary to climb from the bottom of the ladder to the top in Hollywood. We go over all the details of Kelley’s “overnight success story” where it took her just short of 20 years of being an assistant editor before exploding onto the scene with Breaking Bad.