In this student case study, not only will you learn about the important mindset and relevant skills you need that goes beyond the technical aspect of your resume.
Ep233: Redefining Your Career Path in a Post Generational Society | with Mauro Guillén
Mauro and I talk about the important shifts that we need to take which he lays out in his book, THE PERENNIALS: The Megatrends Creating a Post Generational Society.
What do you value the most?
The days of living a life where we have been trained to be cogs on the assembly line of someone else’s dreams are over. This is our opportunity to design more balanced, more sustainable, and more fulfilling creative careers in alignment with our core values.
The AI Revolution Is Upon Us…Are We Ready?
In day 3 of my email series The Creative Within: Rediscovering Who You Are (Beyond Your Résumé), I want to prepare you for the massive shift we’re about to experience in the creative workforce because of artificial intelligence.
What inspires you?
If lack of work, fear about the future, and lack of purpose in your work are sapping your energy (and devouring your creative soul), today’s email is definitely for you.
What makes you irreplaceable?
What will separate you from your competition (and from artificial intelligence) is your degree of match quality. Here’s how to maximize it.
Ep232: How to Future-Proof Your Creative Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build a Life Bigger Than Your Résumé | with Christina Wallace
Whatever industry you’re currently in, this conversation will help shed light on your next steps if you feel you’re behind and need to catch up with our constantly evolving world.
Using Labor Day as an opportunity to change our relationship with work
The true meaning of Labor Day is rooted in the fight of the American worker for protections from the exploitation & tyranny of corporate overlords. (Sound familiar?)
Our deepest, darkest fears (and what we can do next)
I’ve gotten a very clear sense of where our deepest, darkest fears are regarding the future of the entertainment industry, content creation, and the adoption of artificial intelligence.
Ep231: How to Become Resilient In the Face of Change (and Manage an Identity Crisis) | with Brad Stulberg
My interview with Brad on dealing with changes is a timely conversation that will be relevant for years to come due to the everlasting nature of change and our evolving relationship to it.
When is the last time you did something for the first time?
I’d like to leave you with one final question to ponder that can potentially change the trajectory of your life…if you’re willing to answer it honestly.
Your peer group can become your super power
Today I’d like to discuss the most important element of our lives that is forgotten when we focus on building our identity solely through our work.
Surviving AI requires changing our relationship with the “F-word”
Today I’m sharing the key mindset shift that has allowed me to excel far beyond my perceived limits in any field.
Ep230: The Performance Paradox – How Only Focusing On Performance Leads to Performing Worse | with Eduardo Briceño
Eduardo Briceño completely reframes the process of learning and reaching your own peak level of high performance in ways that are both simple to understand and fulfilling to practice.
The single word that can change your life
The difference between success & fulfillment versus being miserable in life often comes down to this single, magical word…