
Ep136: Promoting Mindfulness, Well-Being, and Sanity In the Edit Bay | with Kevin Tent, ACE

As the recently elected President of American Cinema Editors (ACE), Kevin Tent is leading the charge to make working smarter instead of harder in the edit bay one of his top priorities. He’s dedicated to making changes like taking regular walk breaks, adding in meditation, and even taking an occasional nap to enhance your creativity and get you through the day with more energy left over for your family and yourself when work is done. If you want to know how one of the top names in the feature editing game stays sharp and continues to work at such a high level, today’s conversation is for you.

3 strategies to save time working from home

Struggling to “Do” It All? Try “Being” First. (Three Strategies to Reclaim Your Time and Sanity When Working From Home)

I don’t know about you, but my brain is like an endless news ticker reminding me of the growing tasks, activities, ambitions, and must-do’s that I need to accomplish to prove my worth as a human. No sooner do I start one checklist item and I’m already thinking of the next. It’s been ingrained in me that striving, achieving, and accomplishing must be happening at all times!