Dr. Rogelberg shares how you can reclaim your time, energy, and creativity using different strategies to make meetings productive, engaging, and even (dare I say) enjoyable.
What Does The Future Hold for “AE’s” In the Age of “AI”? | LACPUG Panel
AI is not going anywhere and the more we understand how it impacts every job and person we interact with, the more we can adapt and grow with it.
EditFest 2023: Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Art of Editing
At last year’s EditFest, I was one of 4 panelists invited to talk about the convergence of AI with the creative process, particularly related to the art of editing.
Ep222: Is Artificial Intelligence Coming for Your Job? Maybe…and Here’s How to Prepare | with Michael Kammes
As Michael Kammes put it, AI is not going away and we cannot fight this fact (or it). Whether you’re feeling as if your career is threatened by AI, or you are excited about the potential career advancement it can assist you with, you’re going to love this conversation as much as I did.
Ep221: How to Be an Irreplaceable Creative in the Emerging World of Artificial Intelligence | with Srinivas Rao
In our conversation, Srinivas and I go deep into the rabbit hole of all things AI. We examine the specific reasons AI couldn’t actually replace humans and more importantly, how we can use AI as leverage to further advance our careers.
Ep177: Mental Health is Not a Luxury…Even For “Top Guns” | with Eddie Hamilton, ACE [Pt 2]
Eddie Hamilton, ACE (Top Gun: Maverick, the last 3 Mission: Impossible films, Kick-Ass 1 & 2, and X-Men: First Class) and I candidly discuss his experience editing Top Gun: Maverick and what drove him to asking for help before it was too late.
Ep176: Why You Don’t Need to Go to Film School to Be Successful | with Eddie Hamilton, ACE [Pt 1]
Eddie Hamilton, ACE (Top Gun: Maverick, the last 3 Mission: Impossible films, Kick-Ass 1 & 2, and X-Men: First Class) and I talk about his early career choices and how he was able to become one of the top feature editors in the world…without ever going to film school.
Evercast vs. Zoom – Why the New Evercast Proves the Choice is Clear For Remote Collaboration [Evercast Review]
Learn how Evercast can provide a much richer remote collaboration experience than Zoom or its other competitors.
Work Remotely With Your Team In Real-Time Using Evercast (A Game Changer)
If you’re a content creator or someone who works in the entertainment industry and you’ve never heard of Evercast, you need to because this technology has the potential to change the way you work and live in our post-pandemic reality.
Ep92: Optimizing Your Remote Post-Production Workflow (and Maintaining Your Sanity) | with Michael Kammes
Zack Arnold, ACE and workflow expert Michael Kammes discuss how to set up your remote post-production workflow and make sure you don’t lose your mind working from home.
Essential Tools for the Ultimate Post-Production Workflow
Author’s Note: The following is an article I originally wrote for the site Wipster.io titled “Essential Tools for the Ultimate Post-Production Workflow” republished in its …
Building Your Editorial Workflow With Trello
Go paperless. Eliminate email. Learn how to build your entire global post-production workflow using the #1 project management program on the planet.
How “Contextual Editing” Can Save You Hours Per Week In the Edit Bay
Editor’s Note: This is the second in my three part series on saving your sanity in the edit bay. Click here to read part 1 …
How to Save Time (And Your Sanity) By Working In Time Blocks
Editor’s Note: This is the first in a 3 part series on saving your sanity in the edit bay. In part two I cover the …