
Ep183: Pushing Yourself to Your Limits (When Quitting isn’t an Option) | with Evan Perperis

Whether it’s simply getting into better physical shape so you have more mental & creative energy to kick ass at your job or training for your very first Spartan Race or Tough Mudder, the advice Evan shares in our conversation today is invaluable to anyone trying to level up their fitness goals, their career, or their entire life.


Ep182: Staying True to Your Core Values (When Hollywood Tries to Steal Your Soul) | with Sean Corvelle

If you have ever felt stuck or you’re unsure of the right path for you, get ready to be inspired and motivated to take just one small step towards forward progress today. Whether you have run an obstacle course race or not (or if you could honestly care less about mud runs), the lessons Sean shares in this conversation apply to every aspect of life.


Self-help? Ummmmm…no thank you.

I’ll be the first to admit, there’s a lot of baggage that comes with the term “Self-help.” Having spent the last 15+ years immersed in this world – first as a student and now as a coach (but still ALWAYS a student) – I’ve seen the best and worst that the “self-help” industry has to offer.


Ep179: Navigating The ‘Messy Middle’ of Life & Career Transitions | with Melissa Costello

My conversation with Melissa Costello is centered around the feelings of doubt, confusion, and uncertainty that come with major transitions (imposter syndrome, anyone?). We discuss the tools, habits, strategies, and most importantly the mindsets we can use on ourselves to make sure we’re staying aligned to our values and true to our deeper why’s.


Ep173: How to Reinvent Yourself at Any Age (And Become Badass) | with Scott Morgan

As creative professionals, the pressure to come up with new ideas and be daring is stressful at best, and debilitating at worst. This pressure leads to limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, and procrastination. And if it persists over long periods of time…even total burnout. What if there was a better approach to reinventing yourself, your work, and even your health & body image so you could fully tap into your limitless creativity?


My secret weapon for building my network

Let’s be honest…is there anything that we as creative professionals hate more than networking? Wouldn’t it be awesome to just do awesome work all the time and the right people would just magically discover that we are in fact awesome?